â–·7 Tips To Prepare Soil For Artificial Grass In Corondo

How To Prepare Soil For Artificial Grass In Corondo?

7 Tips To Prepare Soil For Artificial Grass In CorondoArtificial grass has grown in popularity over the years, and with good reason: it’s low-maintenance and looks great year round. But if you’re looking to install artificial grass, you’ll need to make sure your soil is properly prepared first. To help ensure a successful installation, here are seven tips for preparing your soil for artificial grass.

  1. The first step is to make sure the area where you’re installing the artificial grass is completely clear of any debris or vegetation. This includes removing any existing turf, weeds, or other plants that might be present in the area.
  2. Once you have cleared away all debris from the area, use a rake or shovel to level out the surface. Make sure the terrain is flat and even so that you can achieve a neat installation of your artificial grass.
  3. Infill material will act as a cushion between the soil and your artificial grass, thus providing stability and support for the turf and helping to protect it from damage over time.
  4. Once you’ve added your infill material, use a lawn roller or hand tamping tool to compact the soil beneath your artificial grass. This helps create a strong foundation for your artificial grass, ensuring that it remains in place over time.
  5. To further ensure that weeds don’t grow up through the turf, cover your prepared area with a layer of weed fabric before laying down the artificial grass.
  6. Now that your soil is properly prepared, you’re ready to install the artificial turf. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully for best results.
  7. To keep your artificial grass from moving around or bunching up, use stakes or edging material to secure it in place at the perimeter of your yard. This will help create a clean, neat look and ensure your artificial grass remains flat and even over time.


Can You Lay Artificial Grass Directly On Soil?

No, you should not lay artificial grass directly on soil. Installing an artificial turf requires the ground to be properly prepared for the installation and must include steps such as leveling out the surface, adding infill material, compressing the soil, and covering with weed fabric. Only then can you begin laying your artificial grass.

How Many Inches Of Infill Should I Use?

The amount of infill material that you should use depends on the type of turf that you are installing. Generally speaking, it is recommended to use a layer of infill materials that is between one-half inch and one inch thick. Be sure to read your manufacturer’s instructions carefully for best results.

Should I Use Gravel Under Artificial Grass?

No, you should not use gravel as an infill material beneath artificial grass. Gravel can cause drainage issues and is not recommended for use beneath turf. Instead, look for an approved infill material such as silica sand or rubber crumb infill that will provide a cushion and stability to the grass.


It is important that you take the time to properly prepare your soil prior to installing artificial grass. By following these seven tips, you’ll be able to ensure a successful and long-lasting installation of your turf. For more information, contact Artificial Turf Coronado at (619) 486-3223.